BitLyft Partner Program

We Secure.
You Shine.

Are you ready to strengthen your cybersecurity service offerings and boost your business success? Become a partner with BitLyft today.


Add cybersecurity to your service offerings, without hiring a team or purchasing new tech

Amplify your ARR, without overburdening your team

Safeguard your client base, without worrying about client poaching

Access SOC support and sales training, without straining your resources

Solving Pain Points for MSPs

Let's be real. As a managed service provider, you've got a lot on your plate. Learning the latest tech, avoiding client loss due to insufficient offerings, dealing with legal threats, and navigating lengthy processes—all while fielding blame for cyberattacks you didn't even handle. On top of it all, the thought of losing customers to an untrustworthy partner? Like we said, it's a lot. You need a partner who gets it and is ready to help tackle these challenges.

Stressed Out Managed Service Provider
BitLyft Team Photo

A Partner You Can Trust

This is where we come in. BitLyft is a partner that is experienced in amplifying your cybersecurity services, not stealing your customers. We provide sales training, enhance your ARR, and offer managed detection and response services with access to ample support materials. BitLyft lifts the burden off your team, acting as a vigilant backup for your framework, so you can focus on excelling in your core business.

Top Benefits of Partnering with BitLyft

When you partner with BitLyft, you're choosing more than just a cybersecurity solution. You're opting for a robust, comprehensive approach that amplifies your existing offerings and grows your business. From training materials to enhanced ARR, you're stepping into a partnership that truly understands and supports your needs.

We Complement Your Services

Our cybersecurity services work seamlessly with your existing offerings, making you more attractive to clients.

We Increase Your ARR

With BitLyft, not only do you get top-quality managed detection and response services to offer your clients, but you also boost your ARR.

Sales Training & Support Materials

We provide a complete library of training materials and sales training to equip your team with all the knowledge they need.

Managed Detection & Response Services

Our team acts as your second set of eyes, providing 24/7/365 monitoring and rapid response to threats.

No Extra Work for Your Team

We do the heavy lifting, allowing you and your team to focus on what you do best.

Your Clients Remain Yours

We believe in ethical partnerships. Your clients are your clients, and we’re here to support, not steal.

A Product Worth Promoting: Top Benefits of MDR

Our Managed Detection and Response services represent a robust, high-impact solution that seamlessly integrates with your current offerings. See how BitLyft's MDR can be a game-changing addition to your service lineup.

  • Advanced Security Defense

    We're talking non-stop monitoring and rapid response to complicated security threats. Think of it as your customer's personal cybersecurity watchdog, but without the barking.

  • Boosted Response Speed

    We help you shrink your customer's mean-time-to-respond, so threats don't just get a slap on the wrist—they're kicked out the door.

  • Simplified Security Operations and Compliance Reporting

    Streamline your customer's processes and make compliance reporting a breeze. Because who doesn't love a good spring cleaning?

  • Expanded Network Coverage Without the Hassle

    More coverage, fewer tools. That's right, no extra purchases or maintenance. It's the cybersecurity equivalent of an all-inclusive resort.

  • Saved Time and Money with Automation

    Imagine all the hours and dollars saved with hundreds of automations. Your customers will think they hit the jackpot.

  • Instant Module Deployment, No Coding Required

    Get your customers up and running in a snap, no complicated coding or tech wizardry needed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Partnership

What kind of partners are you looking for?

We're on the hunt for partners who are eager to grow, and committed to delivering top-notch services to their customers. If that sounds like you, then we're off to a great start.

How does the cost of partnership impact my MRR?

Our partnership pricing is flexible and designed to bolster your MRR. We structure our pricing on a monthly basis, aligning with your MRR model. It's not just about buying in—it's about investing in a partnership that fuels your revenue growth month after month.

What types of resources do you provide partners?

Not only will you get access to handy resources like handouts and slide decks, but you'll also receive comprehensive training and ongoing sales support from our dedicated team. Plus, you'll have the backup of our knowledgeable SOC team to ensure you're delivering top-notch services to your customers.

What does the process of becoming a partner look like?

We've kept it as simple as 1, 2, 3. First, fill out our partnership form. Next, we'll schedule a discovery call to get to know each other better. And finally, we'll kickstart the onboarding process. It's as easy as pie (and almost as satisfying).

Will BitLyft try to take over my customers?

Absolutely not. We highly value our partners and respect the relationships you've built with your customers. We operate as a support system for you, not a direct interface with your customers. Our goal is to equip you with the necessary tools and services to provide top-notch managed detection and response for your customers. Rest assured, we're here to help you shine—not to steal your spotlight.

Ready to Supercharge Your Cybersecurity Capabilities?

Join the BitLyft partner program today and discover how we can work together to achieve mutual growth and success. Let’s elevate your offerings, protect your customers, and skyrocket your ARR. We're ready. Are you?